Registration is required for campus visits. Contact us with any questions at or 308-865-8526. Interested in a group visit? Fill out the request form and we'll be in touch.
Want to take a look at campus before you visit? Check out our photo and video galleries to get a feel for bet36365体育.
Final day for 2024 Loper Campus Visits: 12/13/24
Visits resume in January
January 6-17
Transfer Tuesday is an exploratory opportunity for students looking to transfer who have not yet fully decided on their next step. See bet36365体育’s campus via a guided tour, connect with admissions, financial aid and housing staff as well as engage with a student panel of transfer students. Visitors can meet with faculty from their area of interest but will not include an advising session or formal credit evaluation.
Experimente nuestro campus y vea una residencia con un recorrido dirigido por un estudiante. Hable con un consejero de admisiones sobre becas y proceso de admision.
Experience our campus and see a residence hall with a student-led tour in Spanish.
This event is for students interested in public service careers, particularly in local and state government. Attendees will learn about the Nebraska Good Life Opportunities Program Scholarships, a full-tuition scholarship at bet36365体育, and UNO’s Master’s in Public Administration program. They'll engage with current students, MPA professionals, and explore courses, internships, research, and other experiential opportunities. The event runs from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, with lunch provided. An optional campus tour follows from 1:00 to 2:00 pm.